
Individual Therapy

About one in five women experience some form of depression and or anxiety during pregnancy.  And if you are a pregnant for the second or third time and had any difficulties or trauma related to a prior pregnancy or birth, anticipating your next birth can bring a lot of anxiety and fear.  Whether you are experiencing some mild anxiety about the upcoming birth or more serious symptoms, therapy can help.  

  • Anxiety & Depression During Pregnancy: If you find yourself overwhelmed, sad, irritable, difficulty sleeping, difficulty concentrating, feelings of guilt or worthlessness, thoughts of harming yourself and / or excessive worrying for more than two weeks, you may be experiencing depression or anxiety. Please reach out for help.  

Postpartum Planning Consultation  

When we get pregnant, we spend hours planning for the arrival of this immense gift into our lives.  We dream of who that little being is, what he or she is going to look like, our hopes and plans for him or her.  We go to childbirth classes, nursing classes, tour the hospital, get all the right gear, set up the nursery, and read all the books on how to care for a baby.

What we often don’t prepare for is how having a baby changes our lives in reality: emotionally, mentally, and physically.  The adjustment to having a baby will be the biggest change you will likely ever go through.  Many of us don’t have family around that are able to help out.  After the initial excitement of coming home, moms can find themselves alone and overwhelmed.  Our sole focus becomes the baby and we can even find it difficult to meet our basic needs! 

My focus is your well-being and creating a concrete plan so that you are able to nurture yourself as well as your baby during this transitional time.  I know there is nothing more important than being the best mama you can be.  When you are happy, caring for your baby can bring great joy.  And this isn’t at the exclusion of fathers.  Dads are included in the plan as well.  We look at how everyone in the family can be supported during this time so the transition happens in the best possible way.


New Mama Coaching: Adjusting to motherhood

This package is for the new mama who is adjusting to life with a baby.  As a new mom, you may be surprised by how encompassing and overwhelming all the change brings.  Not only are you learning how to mother, your identity is shifting, your relationship to yourself changes, your relationship with your partner is different.  All this is happening while learning a new set of skills with little to no sleep and dramatic hormonal shifts.  New Mama coaching helps you navigate these changes with more ease and confidence.

New Mama Therapy

There is a myth that pregnancy and the time after giving birth is supposed to be one of the happiest times in a woman's life.  While this may be true for some, many women feel physically and emotionally uncomfortable during pregnancy and the postpartum period.  This time can be difficult and exhausting, even when you are looking forward to welcoming your baby.  Old issues may resurface, feelings about how you were parented, or even old trauma can show up.  Other issues that may arise are your changing relationship with your partner, changing relationship with your own parents, your own shifting roles and identity, feeling a lack of confidence as a mom, feeling isolated, alone, or overwhelmed, learning how to attune to your baby, and personal and societal expectations of what it means to be a "good mom".  Many moms find that a few therapy sessions during this time is beneficial.

Postpartum Depression & Anxiety

If you are feeling sadness, irritability, overwhelm, constant worry, loss of pleasure, difficulty sleeping (not due to physical symptoms or a nursing infant), poor appetite, or thoughts of harming yourself, you may be experiencing postpartum depression or anxiety.  Postpartum depression / anxiety occurs in about 1 in every 5 women and is the number one complication of childbirth.  If you have a personal or family history of depression or anxiety, you are at greater risk for postpartum depression / anxiety.  Therapy can help and you are not alone.  We will work together to create a plan so you feel supported through this more vulnerable time.  There is no need to suffer through this when it is very treatable.

If you are unsure if you are having some postpartum related issues, click here to take the EPDS.

Birth Trauma

Birth trauma refers to the physical or psychological distress experienced by a baby or mother during the childbirth process. It can occur due to various factors, such as a difficult labor, medical complications, or an emotionally challenging birthing experience. Birth trauma can lead to PTSD and can also have lasting effects on both the child and the mother, impacting their physical and mental health. Therapy can help minimize long-term effects on the mother and child and promote healthy bonding and recovery.

Couples Therapy

After having a baby, parents can easily become fatigued, sleepless, irritable, and overwhelmed.  When this happens, parents can end up feeling unappreciated, neglected, and lonely.  I create a safe, respectful environment for both partners so each person feels heard.  From there we can move on to looking at how a couple can support each other during this time.  A strong relationship is one of the best gifts you can give your child!

Postpartum Depression in Dads

Although fathers do not go through the same hormonal shifts, they do experience many of the same changes that women go through.  If fathers have a personal or family history of depression, lack of social support or are having difficulty in their relationship with the mother of their baby, they are also at risk for postpartum depression.  This can be very difficult for fathers because it is not recognized or talked about.  Therapy can help dads get the support and tools needed to feel better.

Virtual & In Person Appointments Available


310-498-6128 /